The fifth meeting of the SAARC Working Group on Tourism was successfully organized by SAARC in conjunction with the Government of India, Ministry of Tourism on Nov 25-26 2015 at New Delhi, after a long gap of previous meeting organized by Nepal in 2006. This Program was hosted by Mr. Vinod Zutshi (Secretary Ministry of Tourism). Delegates from Government and private sectors of all SAARC countries had participated. Nepal was represented by Mr. Govinda Bahadur Karkee (D.G, Dept. of Tourism), Mr. Puspa Raj Katuwal (Under Secretary, Ministry of culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation), Mr. Ramesh Thapa (Secretary of NATTA), Mr. Surya Bahadur Ghimire (Executive from TAAN). The meeting effectively discussed about the intensive agendas for promotion of tourism such as creation of SAARC Tourism Brand, Setting up the SAARC website, Buddhist circuit, visa facilitation, recognition of National Driving License, usage of social media, Annual SAARC tourism Mart, Marketing & promotion, Knowledge exchange and internship program, Tourism trade certification, setting up of a SAARC tourism trade board, connectivity between SAARC courtiers (Air/Rail/Road), SAARC credit card/currency convertibility mechanism, indirect tax refund mechanism and investment in tourism sector.
The agendas had been discussed since previous meeting but it has been more enhanced now by appointing all the countries to working on the given tasks with time frame. The discussion and plan drawn at this meeting hopefully creates an effect on the mutual relation between SAARC countries and hence help for the promotion of tourism. During the conclusion of this meeting, it was decided to organize such meetings on yearly basis so that the progress in work can be monitored and discussed, helping in proper implementation of all the agendas and tasks.