An interactive meeting of some major tour operating active members of NATTA was held on 02nd May 2016 at Hotel Arts, Thamel just to review the current tourism marketing programs led and supported by Nepal Tourism Board. President, NATTA Mr. Madhu Sudan Acharya welcomed the participants and 1st VP of NATTA Mr. CN Pandey shed light on the objective of this interactive session. CEO of Nepal Tourism Board stated about the various promotional missions abroad either led or supported by NTB during the last few couple of months following the devastating earthquake and the blockade including the political resentment and threat posed by the agitating forces in the Terai.
Highlighting the huge investment of the private sector and NTB in promotional activities, participants complained that the return was not up to the expectation of the investors. Our marketing strategies have almost become very much traditional and no new approach in this respect has yet been thought out. The participants suggested that it was high time for NTB to coin some new and effective measures to lure the potential visitors to Nepal. Publicity through int’l media and social media, strengthening of national flag carrier, free visa at least in the SAARC countries, orientation program for the embassy staff etc were some new ways talked about to uphold our tourism. Individual efforts of the private sector would not suffice to bring in more number of visitors, concerted efforts of the concerned ministry and NTB were highly solicited. The need of new branding was also felt.
In regard to the role of NTB, participants suggested that NTB should play the role of a bridge between GON and private sector. Another part of the suggestion was that after each sales mission, NTB should call a meeting to review the effectiveness of the mission carried out jointly by the stakeholders. New promotional videos and TV shows should be encouraged. Participants also urged NTB chief to look into the possibilities of setting up a separate petrol pump for Tourism related vehicles in Kathmandu and other major destinations of touristic importance.
Finally it was agreed that NTB should try to gain the optimum support of the private sector, advertisements through BBC and CNN was felt to be important, regional promotion was considered to be quite important, NTB’s action plan must be transparent, investment should be based on the market growth rate, Int’l airlines’ should be approached to publish positive articles about Nepal’s tourism heritages.