NTB Directors representing private sector in NTB Board of Directors, Mr. Rajendra Sapkota and Mr. Purna Bahadur Kunwar called on the Secretariat of Nepal Association of Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA) on 09th May, 2016 in the afternoon and held discussions with President NATTA Mr. Madhu Sudan Acharya and NATTA Executive Committee on various aspects of challenges being faced by the private sector in carrying out the promotional plans, programs, campaigns and missions abroad from Nepal from time to time due to all pervasive absolute red-tapism. Participants at the meeting unanimously agreed that red-tapism has to be discouraged at any rate to focus mainly on the issues of destination promotion when we have the targets of VISION 2020 already set. Private sectors solidarity in this respect was agreed as most urgent. President Acharya declared that NATTA was currently planning to invite a group of TAAI members on a Fam Trip of Nepal and hold a meeting with them. He said that NATTA was also planning to lead a destination promotion of Nepal to Republic of Korea in the near future.