Nepal Tourism Board had convened a meeting of Nepalese Tour Operators including officials from NATTA on 12th March to discuss on the module of promoting Nepal in China in the forthcoming days. All tour operators expressed their positive opinion and urged NTB to host the proposed promotional campaigns to harness the potentiality of the increasing Chinese outbound. They also suggested NTB to subsidize the cost of participation in the upcoming travel fairs in China, viz., WTF (May 9-11, 2014), Beijing Int'l Tourism Expo (BITE – June 27-29, 2014), Int'l Travel Expo (ITE- Hong Kong, June 12-15, 2014. NTB has requested NATTA to produce a proposal to give continuation to and conduct China Sales Mission – 2014 as soon as possible. President Mr. D.B Limbu and CEO Prof Dr. Hari Sarmah spoke on the need of having China Sales Mission and the course of action NTB should follow to accomplish Read More
Mr. Chitra Bahadur Gurung, Coordinator, NATTA PR & Liaison Committee represented NATTA at a high-level meeting on Trade Mainstreaming on March 12 at Hotel Del Annapurna. The meeting was summoned by the Ministry of Commerce & Supply, Government of Nepal. The meeting, chaired by Secretary of MOCS Mr. Madhav Prasad Regmi, had the participation of government officials and private sector equally. Dr. Ratnakar Adhikary, Executive Director of Enhanced Integrated Framework, Executive Secretariat at WTO, Geneva was the special guest and key speaker. Ms. Jacqueline Groth, Counselor, Head of Development Cooperation, German Embassy, Kathmandu made a presentation on major efforts and initiatives undertaken by development partners for trade mainstreaming in Nepal besides shedding light on the role of donor Facilitator, major constraints and future course of action.
A joint meeting was held with all three GDS – Galileo, Amadeus & Abacus as well as with Air India on 12th March 2014. The agenda of the meeting was regarding the ADMs received by our members from Air India due to pricing errors on GDS. For the past few days, NATTA was coordinating with Air India as well as with IATA Delhi & Singapore to manually dispute the ADMs received from Air India. The joint meeting with the GDS and Air India turned out very fruitful and a positive outcome is highly expected. BSP Nepal has accepted the manual dispute of the ADMs submitted by the members within 30 days of the ADM issue date. Similarly, Air India is investigating further on this matter for which the ADMs are raised. With a timely and continuous follow up with Air India and BSP/IATA, NATTA is optimistic that the ADM Read More
A delegation of the NATTA led by its president DB Limbu met with the newly appointed Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Bhim Prasad Acharyaon Tuesday, 4th March 2014 and submitted a 32- point memorandum related to resolving problems faced by the country's tourism sector. The memorandum includes construction of a terminal for tourist buses, expediting the development of a second international airport, allocating a separate budget for tourism promotion from the tourism service fee and other demands. On the occasion, Acharya assured the delegation that the government was committed to amending the existing Labour Act, prioritizing tourism as a national industry, coordinating with foreign diplomatic missions to promote Nepal's tourism and improving the existing management of the Nepal Tourism Board.
A joint Breakfast meeting of the leaders of eight tourism related associations including NATTA was held on Monday, 3rd March'14 at Hotel Shankar in the morning under the aegis of Nepal Association of Rafting Agents (NARA). Hosting of Joint Breakfast Meeting by different associations to reflect on the topical issues in tourism industry is a regular phenomenon and the last one was hosted by NATTA. The Meeting held on Monday focused on forming Tourism Joint Coordination Committee, RIMS and River policy, Tourist Bus Terminal and other topical issues. The Joint coordination Committee formulated under the convenorship of Mr. Ramesh Dhamala, President of TAAN, included all the presidents and General Secretaries different associations. CEO's and ED's were also included in the committee to do the needful to follow up and give continuation to the efforts of the Joint Coordination Committee. NARA President Mr. Chandra Bahadur Dahal while welcoming the participants Read More
NATTA President Mr. DB Limbu, Secretary General Ms. Mihika Dhakhwa, Treasurer Mr. Narayan P. Gurung Koney and CEO Prof Dr Hari Sarmah met Mr. Iqbal Mulla, President of Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) at the Board Room of Hotel Soaltee on Tuesday, the 25th February 2014 and hold discussions on various aspects of mutual co-operation and understanding including the issues of aviation sector and agents problems with IATA BSP link etc. Mr. Iqbal Mulla assured NATTA delegates that TAAI would always be ready to co-operate NATTA in its efforts to reach the greater numbers of Indian Tour operators.
A team from NATTA Executive Board joined the inauguration session of Nepal Economic Summit – 2014 being held at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza in the afternoon on Monday, the 24th February
A thirteen member NATTA delegation led by President Mr. DB Limbu called on the Governor of Nepal Central Bank (Nepal Rastra Bank) Dr. Yuba Raj Khatiwada on Monday, the 24th February 2014 and apprised him of the current problems being faced by ticketing agents in regard to the Bank Guarantee for Foreign Exchange License, the clearance of dollar cheques, Bank commission on exchange of dollar (smaller denominations), high rate of commission on payment by Int'l Credit Cards and setting up of NRB Authorized Exchange Counters etc. Governor Khatiwada has assured the delegates that he would immediately look into the issues raised by NATTA and take the decision at his earliest possible.
A four member delegates from NRN Denmark visited NATTA Secretariat on Monday, the 24th February and extended a verbal proposal stating that NRN Denmark was willing to host a promotional Road-show in Copenhagen in the forthcoming days. In response, NATTA President requested the team to put up a written proposal to NATTA for further discussions and necessary preparations for the participation.
Last week remained hectic for NATTA Executives as they had series of meetings with Director General of Civil Aviation Authority Nepal Mr. Ratish Chandra Lal Suman, General Manager of Thai Int'l Airways and later Inspector General of Police Mr. Upendra Kanta Aryal. The NATTA delegation led by President Mr. D.B. Limbu on last Tuesday, the 18th February, 2014, raised a number of issues relating the Nepalese Aviation Industry including the airport. The NATTA grievances included the round-the-clock operation of TIA, guarantee of security to air passengers, elimination of various types of prevailing corruption at the airport, maintenance of air-craft and guarantee of air-safety on the basis of transparent air-safety policies based on the directives of ACAO, hassle-free movement of tourist transport to and from the airport, issuance of CAAN ID to tour operators and high level NATTA Executives, fair management of passengers trolley etc. DG CAAN has assured NATTA that Read More
The newly elected NATTA Executive Committee took part in the 8th Convention and 19th AGM of NATTA Western Regional Association held in Hotel Landmark, Pokhara on 07th February, 2014. The delegation from the NATTA Centre was led by President Mr. D.B. Limbu. Mr. Limbu, the Chief Guest of the program lighted the tradional lamp and inaugurated the Convention and AGM of NATTA Pokhara. In his inaugural speech President Limbu focused on the current issues of travel fraternity viz., Tourist Bus Park in Kathmandu, the plight of TIA, problems with IATA, Pokhara and Lumbini Airport, Amendment in the NATTA Statute and NQ Tax etc. NATTA CEO Prof Dr Hari Sarmah assisted the NATTA Western Regional Association in conducting the election of the new executive committee. Mr. Pom Narayan Shrestha was unanimously elected as President. Representatives from NATTA Eastern Regional Association and NATTA Palpa Chapter also participated actively in the aforesaid AGM. Read More
As in the past years, this year too, Nepal Association of Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA), in conjunction with Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), coordinated the participation of the stakeholders of Nepalese Travel Industry in FITUR held in Madrid (Spain) from 22 through 26th January. A total of sixteen travel related companies exhibited their products under Nepal pavilion. Mrs. Jiswan Tuladhar Shrestha, the Joint Treasurer of the association was assigned to coordinate the participation and perform to facilitate the exhibitors. The list of FITUR participants this year has been as shown below: Ms. Jiswan Tuladhar Shrestha Coordinator, NATTA Executive Ms. Sabita K.C. Bhattarai Sub- Coordinator, NATTA Executive Mr. Khem Raj Niroula Scenic Adventure Travel & Tours Mr. Ram Shrestha Royal Mountain Travel Mr. Shiva Prasad Dhakal Royal Mountain Travel Mr. Warish Dharel Highlander Trekking Mr. Sumit Kunwar Highlander Trekking Mr. Sujan Baidya Vista Travel Mr. Niranjan Raj Joshi Vista Travel Mr. Read More
A core team comprising of Samarth-NMDP and DFID to prepare a study report on Assessment of the impact and effectiveness of Nepal's destination marketing called on NATTA Secretariat on January 16th to discuss about the given topic and collect NATTA's feedback. President D.B. Limbu welcomed the team and let the floor attended by NATTA Executives open for interactive discussion. Rabi Jung Pandey, representing New Zealand based TRC and Sumit Baral from IFC, a World Bank Group finally thanked all NATTA Members for their excellent deliberations and hoped that IFC would be in a position to assist the Nepalese private sector in their destination marketing efforts after the publication of the report.
THE 50th NATTA AGM 7 ELECTION OF THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HELD The 50th Annual General Meeting of Nepal Association of Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA) and the election of the new executive committee of NATTA was held on Thursday, the 09th January, 2014 at Hotel Radisson in Kathmandu. The following contestants have returned the election to form the New Executive Committee with the tenure two years. Out of 421 valid voters, 396 voters cast their votes. President Mr. Dal Bahadur Limbu (221 votes) First Vice President Mr. Shambhu Raj Pathak (200 votes) Second Vice President Mr. C.N. Pandey (200 votes) Secretary General Mrs. Mihika Dhakhwa (232 votes) Treasurer Mr. Narayan Prasad Gurung Koney (196 votes) Secretary Mr. Ramesh Thapa (212 votes) Joint Treasurer Mrs. Jiswan Tuladhar Shrestha (189 votes) Executive Members (7) Mr. Chitra Bahadur Gurung (243 Read More
Kathmandu-9th October. Nepal Association of Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA) extended a warm welcome to newly elected executive body of Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN) at its Secretariat at Goma Ganesh, Gairidhara. On the occasion, NATTA President Mr. Pavitra Kumar Karki offered a flower bouquet to his counterpart TAAN President Mr. Ramesh Dhamala and khada to all the others present. President Karki iterated the fact that NATTA and TAAN unity have drawn both of these associations towards greater heights of achievements in matters pertaining to the professional interest of their respective members. And he also expressed the hope that this will continue to grow further with mutual understanding and stronger coordination and active co-operation. Senior Vice President of TAAN Mr. Keshav Pandey speaking to the gathering at NATTA assured that the new body of TAAN will always stand by NATTA to assist and support the agendas raised by NATTA. TAAN Secretary General Read More
Nepal Association Of Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA) celebrates 4th NATTA Special Program to mark the 34th World Tourism Day, the 27th Sept. 2013. The chain of celebration began with 2nd Inter-Agency Table Tennis Tournament held on 18th September. The Tournamet had three categories: Men's Above 40, Men's Under 40 and Women's Single. Then, on 21st Sept. NATTA organised Inter Agency 5A side Futsal Tournament. Eighteen travel agencies participated in the Tournament. It was a day long program. The 27th September program "4th NATTA Special Program" was graced by Tourism Secretary Sushil Ghimire as the Chief Guest. The program was held at Army Officers' Club and more than 1500 members of the fraternity including high level officials from tourism ministry, Nepal Tourism Board and representatives from Int'l Airlines participated in this program which was full of fun, stage performances by Nepalese young celebs, and revelries. On Sunday, Read More
A 36-member team of the Nepal Association of Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA) in collaboration of Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) and Nepal Embassy, Beijing, China left for China on a Sales Mission under the banner China Sales Mission – 2013 on last 15th May, 2013. The delegation will visit Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing and Xi'an where they will meet their Chinese tour operators and leading media representatives. Besides B2B meetings, there will be multi-media presentation on Nepal. The delegation will return home on 24th May.
A 36-member team of the Nepal Association of Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA) in collaboration of Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) and Nepal Embassy, Beijing, China left for China on a Sales Mission under the banner China Sales Mission – 2013 on last 15th May, 2013. The delegation will visit Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing and Xi'an where they will meet their Chinese tour operators and leading media representatives. Besides B2B meetings, there will be multi-media presentation on Nepal. The delegation will return home on 24th May.
Nepal Association of Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA) in collaboration with National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) and USAID/OFDA, organized a half-day workshop in Kathmandu on last 28th April, 2013. The workshop focused mainly on disaster risk management and the role of private sector entities. This initiation of NATTA in Disaster Risk Reduction was greatly appreciated by participating NATTA members. A total of 140 NATTA members attended the workshop.
NATTA upholds the cause of Longest Marathon TV Talk Show being organized as an attempt of getting into Guinness World Record by News24 Channel and Event Management & welcome. The humble cause is Lord Buddha was born in Nepal. The 60 hr. long show will be presented by Mr. Rabi Lamichhane. A meeting was organized at NATTA on Sunday the 31st March last at NATTA Secretariat in which the organizers justified their effort and travel association representatives from NATO, PATA, TURGAN, HAN and NATTA unanimously expressed their words of appreciation to this step taken by the broadcaster and event managers. The show will take place on 29th Chaitra and will conclude with the first sun on the Nepalese New Year.