Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (NATTA) organised its 53rd Annual General Meeting & Election of New Executive Committee at Hotel Radisson on 17th January 2020.
Inaugurated by Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (MoCTCA), Hon’ble Mr. Yogesh Kumar Bhattarai as a Chief Guest, the event was graced by other special guests as Secretary of MoCTCA, Mr. Kedar Bahadur Adhikari and President of Universal of Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA), Mr. Sunil Kumar R.
President of NATTA Mr. CN Pandey initiated the program with his welcome speech. Giving insight to the world travel and tourism Special Guest Mr. Sunil Kumar R presented a Special Presentation to the spectators. Mr. Sunil Kumar on his presentation said that the number of travellers is expected to double by 2037; 27 share being from the Asia-Pacific region. “As travel agents, we need to step up to improve our marketing strategy and connect ourselves to the world,” he shared. “The clients over the years have transformed into proactive service seekers. Unlike the practices in the past, they reach out to the agencies with their preferences for trips, food, accommodation and travelling medium.”
On the occasion of Annual General Meeting, a Book entitled NATTA Journey 2018-2020 having information on all the activities accomplished during 2018-2020 by Executive Committee including all NATTA Provinces was unveiled by Chief Guest and Special Guests.
Likewise, Awards for several categories were distributed to the awardees.
Some BITM 2019 Awards for technical support were awarded. 25 Years of Award for the twenty-five years of continued affiliation with NATTA were awarded to six NATTA Members.
A special award was given to IPP Mr. Madhusudan Acharya for his perseverance resulting in productiveness to NATTA. Former NATTA Staff Mrs. Saraswoti Poudel who had worked for 25 years at NATTA with full dedication was also conferred on the program. Likewise, felicitation was given to Founder President of the Provinces and Chapters of NATTA for the establishment of NATTA Province and Chapters in making the significant impact to NATTA under their leadership.
Similarly, Futsal Winners under different categories were awarded on the 53rd Annual General Meeting.
Felicitation speech was given by Secretary of MoCTCA, Mr. Kedar Bahadur Adhikari on the program.
Giving the special remarks, Chief Guest Hon’ble Minister Mr. Yogesh Kumar Bhattarai urged one and all to give priority to positive aspects rather than the negative ones in the context of Nepal’s infrastructures and services in course of VNY, adding that special attention would be paid to upgrade service along with the expansion of tourism infrastructures. The Tourism Minister said that 53 airports would be brought into operation with full capacity to expand tourism to every corner of the country. Also, the preparation has been made to construct a tourist bus park at Balaju for the convenience of tourists and a plan has been set to bring tourists bus park in Pokhara into operation within 2020.
The inauguration session ended with Vote of Thanks by Senior Vice President Mr. Achyut Guragain.
After the inaugural session, the program went through the closed session with the members of the association. Secretary General Mr. Ramesh Thapa and Acting Treasurer Mr. Surendra Bhattarai presented their annual reports. Discussions on the reports conversed among the members.
The AGM session was compered by NATTA COO Ms. Shradha Chhetri.