An exam evaluation committee has published the results of six day International Fares and Ticketing Training (BSP Accreditation Ticketing Program) examination held December 11, 2011 at Royal Singhi Hotel in Kathmandu.Mr. Binaya Shah, Ms. Resma Tiwari, Mr. Rabindra Hayu, Mr. Sanobabu Ghimire, Mr. Sanobabu Ghimire, Mr. Lekh Nath Sharma, Ms. Munu Thapa Magar, Mr. Phadindra Neupane, Mr. Ram Babu Bhandari, Mr. Deb Bahadur K.C., Ms. Anju Shrestha, Ms. Neeta Gurung, Mr. Anuj Pandey, Mr. Bishal Aryal, Mr. Man Bahadur Shahi, Mr. Shiv Hari Goit, Ms. Pratiksha Shrestha, Mr. Rajan Thaku, Ms. Janaka (Junu) Bhusal and Mr. Birendra Sah have passed the exam.IATA recognized trainer Mr. B K Singh imparted the training to the representatives of member travel companies of Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (NATTA).In the collaboration of Board of Airlines Representatives in Nepal (BARN), NATTA had conducted in the capital.